Selected talks
Using AI to decode animal communication. Voyages: AI and the Ocean. Spaulding Marine Center, Sausalito, CA. 2024
An encoder-based framework for animal vocal repertoire discovery. International Congress on Bioacoustics, Hokkaido University. 2023. M. Cusimano, B. Hoffman, S. Keen.
AI for Interspecies Communication. Interspecies Internet Lecture Series. 2023. K. Zacarian & S. Keen.
Tuning In: Bioengineering of Soil Soundscapes. Geophysics Department Seminar, Stanford University. 2021. J. Willenbring & S. Keen.
Measuring cultural evolution of bird song with unsupervised learning. Max Planck Institute, University of Konstanz Postdoctoral Symposium. 2019.
Social learning of acoustic anti-predator cues occurs both within and between wild bird species. International Society for Behavioral Ecology Conference, 2018. S. Keen, E. Cole, M. Sheehan, B. Sheldon.
The role of social environment in shaping bird songs. Invited graduate student speaker, OXFEST Conference for undergraduate women in STEM fields, Oxford University. 2016.
Automatic localization and classification of bird songs. Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology Seminar, Oxford University. 2016.
Ecological Applications of Acoustic Monitoring. UC San Diego Computer Science Department Seminar. 2015.
African forest elephants respond to human activity by altering vocal & social behavior. Animal Behavior Society Conference, 2014. S. Keen, P. Wrege, L. Rowland.
Kin Selection in Superb Starlings. American Ornithologists’ Union. 2011. S. Keen, D. Rubenstein.
Vocal Communication in Superb Starlings. Laikipia Wildlife Forum, Laikipia, Kenya, 2010.